*ZigBone Farm Retreat, Sabillasville, zigbonefarm.com
*The Clubhouse at Ben Franklin Park York Pa, clubhousebfp.com
*The Barn in the Hollow, 2350 Still House Hollow Road, Shippensburg, thebarninthehollow.com
*Three Gables Barn, 2269 Newville Rd, Carlisle, PA 17015, threegablesbarn.com
*The Barrel House, Chambersburg 39barrelhouse.com
*Beautiful Mansion in the Country, Waynesboro beautifulmansioninthecountry.com
*Creekside Meadows, Shippensburg facebook.com/creeksidemeadowsvenue
The Capitol Theatre, Chambersburg, thecapitoltheatre.org
*Carlisle Ribbon Mill, Carlisle, carlisleribbonmill.com
Chambersburg Country Club, Scotland, chambersburgcountryclub.org
Gettysburg Hotel, Gettysburg, hotelgettysburg.com
Green Grove Gardens, Greencastle, greengrovegardens.com
*Gold Fish Barn Event Center, Fort Loudon, thegoldfishbarn.com
Heritage Restored Farm, Newburg, heritagerestored.com
*Lakeside Hall at Fort Ritchie, Highfield-Cascade, Eventsatlakesidehall.om
Lake Raystown Resort, Entriken, lakeraystownresort.com/weddings/
Liberty Mountain Resort, Carrol Valley, libertymountainresort.com
The Links at Gettysburg, Gettysburg, thelinksatgettysburg.com
The Lodges of Gettysburg, Gettysburg, gettysburgaccommodations.com/weddings
The Lodge at Liberty Forge, Mechanicsburg, lodgeatlibertyforge.com
*The Mercersburg Inn, Mercersburg, mercersburginn.com/pennsylvania-wedding-venue.html
*Mont Alto Fire Hall, Mont Alto, montaltofire.com
**The Orchards, Chambersburg, orchardsrestaurant.com
Toftrees Golf Resort, State College, toftrees.com
Antrim 1844
Beaver Creek Country Club
Caboose Farm
Ceresville Mansion
*Cortland Mansion
**Fountainhead Country Club
Hagerstown Elks Club
*The Historic Springfield Barn
Ostertag Vistas, 11847 Easterday Rd, Myersville, MD 21773, ostertagvistas.com
The Press Room, Hagerstown
Whispering Pines of Carlisle
The Purple Iris, Martinsburg
Brookdale Farm, Keyser
*The White Barn at Lucas Farm, Oakland, lucasfarmwb.com
Brick Gables, Lititz, Pennsylvania.